Power BI Fundamentals for Data Analysts

What you'll learn

  • How to connect the data and leverage the abilities of Microsoft Power Query Editor to transform and modify the data
  • How to join tables and build a simple data model
  • How to visualize data and create insightful reports with KPI metrics scorecards, intuitive graphs, filters, and slicers


About this course

Do you find spreadsheets boring? Have you been struggling to make sense of data and present it appealingly? Are you looking for ways to crunch numbers into interactive, insightful, and immersive visual reports to stand out in your department? If yes, then Power BI Fundamentals is just the course for you. Upskill yourself from a data analyst role to a data visualization expert and start telling your data stories in a few drags and drops.

This course is uniquely designed for Power BI novices to help them create their first end-to-end Power BI project, from connecting and loading the data source to developing interactive visual reports in a single flow.

It is advised to follow the Power BI fundamentals course with Power BI Tips and Tricks course to ace the art of developing high-level reports incorporating various Power BI features.

Who is this course for?

Data analysts looking to upskill to Data Visualization using Power BI

What do I get when I sign up?

When enrolling in our academy you'll instantly be granted access to our entire course library of hard and soft skills training.